3 Ways To Guarantee Your Next Online Advertising Campaign Is A Massive Success By Darren Cabral

“Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise” This quote shared by media-mogul Ted Turner perfectly articulates a very simple formula that  illustrates how an average small business can rapidly transform into an extraordinary big business.

No matter the size of  your business, the type of product you sell, or your notoriety in your particular niche, you’re always just one successful advertising campaign away from massive success. That’s really all it takes. This is not a sermon but hard science. In fact, in North America nearly 87% of small to medium sized businesses invest in at least one form of advertising. With the most popular now being Social Media (64%).

Those are numbers that can mean only one thing, businesses agree advertising is important! So the only question that remains is how can you ensure you’re getting the most out of your advertising? 

To answer this, we sat down with online marketing expert Darren Cabral who’s marketing agency Suits Social has been responsible for catapulting dozens of 6 figures businesses to 7 figures and even 8-figures over the past 4 years. To discuss what techniques small to medium sized businesses can incorporate into their business to craft an advertising campaign that generates as much of a return as possible.

Here are the top 3 things he recommends all small to medium sized businesses do to guarantee a successful advertising campaign:

#1: A successful ad campaign is one that understands its audience. Darren states that you need to understand every nitty-gritty detail about your audience. Who are they? What entails their ordinary lives? What are their pain points? Why should they buy from you? Yet, most businesses continue to ignore the value of understanding their customers. This habit is one of the leading contributors of why 70% of companies fail within ten years.

Today, we have some great tools that can help you understand your audience. We have free analytics tools like Facebook & Instagram insights, Twitter Analytics, Buffer and Hootsuite. Even simple tools like those listed above can provide invaluable data about your customers, and they are accessible to every single business for free. 

These tools will give you great insights about your audience that you can use to build stronger ad campaigns that target and speak to your percec customer. The more you understand who you’re selling to, the easier it is to enter the conversation they are already having in their own mind. The result? Better advertising campaigns and more money in  your pocket.

#2. A successful ad campaign delivers a measurable return: Darren pointed out that the goal of every advertising campaign is to deliver a clear and measurable return. Every dollar amount that goes out needs to be attributed to a dollar amount coming back in. In the advertising industry they call this ROAS or “Return on Ad Spend”. On average Darren says a good rule of thumb for Facebook & Instagram ads (His agency Suits Social’s core focus) is a return on ad spend of 600% to 800% although it’s not unusual to see returns as high as 3000% or more with digital advertising platforms like Facebook. 

The best way to ensure you’re getting a return on your advertising is to track every single action a user takes from when they see your ad, to the moment they spend their first dollar. The best way to do this is to utilize the built in tracking systems included with every online ad platform. For example the Facebook Pixel or Google Conversion Tag. Setting up a proper Google Analytics dashboard with conversion “goals” is also another great and free way to keep track of what’s working and what’s not. 

For the most advanced marketer types out there, you can also use more robust systems like Funnelytics which will help you map out your entire online sales funnel visually. Or systems like HotJar that will actually track the physical movement of visitors on your landing page or website  with a heatmap type functionality. Either way, your ad campaigns need to be generating a return that you can actually measure if you want to achieve massive success with your next ad campaign!

#3. A Successful ad Campaign builds a stronger brand and social media presence: 

Never underestimate the power of a strong brand, especially when it comes to social media. This is because we exist in a world where people spend an average of 2.4 hours per day on social media according to research site statista.com. It’s where your customers expect to find you, and your presence on social media will influence their purchase decisions either positively or negatively. 

So even though the priority of every ad campaign should be to generate a positive monetary  return, it’s important to ensure it also plays a part in further developing your overall brand and social media presence at the same time.

About Darren Cabral:

Darren is the CEO & Head of Operations at Suits Social Inc. one of the first dedicated social media marketing agencies in Canada. Their company has helped hundreds of businesses scale from 6 to 7 and even 8 figures using a proprietary social media advertising strategy. The strategy is unique to their agency and has been used to successfully drive growth and measurable ROI through primarily paid as well as organic social media marketing campaigns.

Darren has worked with a diverse range of clients, including an impressive roster of fast growing ecommerce brands, and high-tech SAAS companies as well as dozens of national resort brands, one of North America’s largest auto groups, and hundreds of companies in the professional services space. Darren also hosts a podcast known as “Obscurity to Authority.” In this podcast, he interviews industry leaders and top business influencers who have gone from unknown to known and achieved massive success in the process.

Are you struggling to implement a profitable online advertising campaign? Tired of throwing away your money with little to no result? Then take the first step towards success and reach out to Darren and his team at www.SuitsSocial.com to learn more about how they can help.