A Gateway to All-rounded Education for Single Mothers – Randolph Foundation

Surviving in a hectic routine while you’ve to study can be extremely hard especially when you’re a single mother. Taking each and every spare minute to study while you have household responsibilities to look after can leave your workday energy drained.

This can not only affect the efficiency of a working woman but it can also result in the children to be neglected from the side of the mother. With zero to no results in terms of academic performance along with a non-manageable working routine, a single mother is never able to keep up with any of the aspect.

For better time management and positive results, each and every single mother requires a proper counseling system, a proficient staff, innovative learning methods and flexible schedules. At The Randolph Foundation, we provide our clients with everything that is mentioned above. For a single mother to pursue in her desired career, qualification is the prime thing which is the requirement of every single interview.

A solo parent can find it very difficult to manage studies along with looking after their children which is why The Randolph Foundation is a great option. Our tutoring programs can range from SAT-oriented preparation to GED courses.

In order to enroll yourself into an advanced college or university, GED courses can help a person frame the future in a better and defined way. It is not only beneficial for your ongoing education but it also gives an edge to your resume when you are applying for a job.

What makes The Randolph Foundation stand out is the top-notch facilities that add to the studying routine of a solo parent. Under the educational influence of The Randolph Foundation, we ensure that the syllabus and study-load is according to the routine of a working single mother.

We equip our clients with the key-aspects of time management, discipline, productivity and good learning pace. To set yourself for a bright future, you should give the tutoring programs of The Randolph Foundation a try.

We have designed study schedules that can help you ace in studies while you equally devote yourself to work and your children. The Randolph Foundation understands, that for a single mother, it is highly necessary to pay heed to her child which is one of the reasons why this organization guides the client to set expectations which are realistic before the commencement of the courses or programs. Once the client is prepared mentally and physically, it is suggested to make every kind of arrangement beforehand. For instance, if your child gets sick, you should have a babysitter or a childcare place to look after your baby.

We provide professors with unique teaching methods who do not only bear the capability to inspire students but also motivate them to be their best-selves. Have you ever wished for that dream-job of yours but then that low-salary based job and lack of learning opportunities cloud your judgement when you asses your caliber?

Worry not, as our goal is not to overwhelm our clients but to provide them with the best services that allow them to excel in their academic years instead of making them lag behind. Furthermore, our online-based classes can not only help you learn from the comfort of your home but it can also provide you with in-depth knowledge as you can save the lectures for later use.

If you’re a single mother who has a part-time job and a growing child who can not afford to take conventional classes, online learning is the key. Taking online classes can save you from running late on work and being unable to give time to your child when he needs you. It is recommended to be efficient throughout the week so missing lectures should be the last you’ve to worry about.

At the end of the day, you are going to say, “It was worth it all!” as The Randolph Foundation is specifically developed for the grooming of single mothers who are in search of affordable learning programs. By investing into our services, you can become the better version of yourself while having your life organized.

So what are you waiting for? Just get in touch through our website, email, or phone number and let us help you out!