An Open Invitation for All to partnership with International Beauty and Smiles

The International Beauty and Smiles is an international company of beauty professionals. The company’s mission is to unite all those involved or interested in the beauty profession, including aestheticians, cosmetologists, barbers, salon owners, makeup artists, and students. 

We welcome anyone with a passion for the industry. If you are interested in joining our community, you should read further.

We are looking for all types of companies, technical schools, hospitals, and businesses that want to make a difference in the lives of people suffering from hair loss, cancer, or other reasons.

In addition, we would like to invite foundations, charities, and other industries that have the same passion for helping people.

For this reason, we would like to invite you all to join us as we work together towards our goal of improving the lives of those less fortunate through education and treatment options. 

We hope that you will consider joining us in our mission by donating money or resources so together we can help others become more independent and productive members of society.

A Needed Solution

It is important to note that many aware of our work find it a noble cause for women suffering from alopecia, trichotillomania, or cancer. People who have suffered from these hair loss disorders and have used our high-quality wigs can attest that a quality wig can make all the difference in your appearance and your self-esteem.

Cancer patients, who lose their hair due to chemotherapy treatment, often struggle with the same issues as those experiencing alopecia and trichotillomania. The rapid loss of hair can simply not be reversed in some people, even with natural treatment options, such as biotin.

Hair loss causes an emotional drain on an individual’s mental health and well-being; therefore, it is important to ensure they receive support when they need it most to focus on getting better instead of worrying about how they look or how others perceive their condition.


The International Beauty And Smiles is not just another company looking for funding to help its operation grow. We have been in this field for quite some time and have had thousands of satisfied clients.

Unfortunately, when you lose your hair, you lose a part of who you are and therefore experience a transformation in your image and your self-esteem resulting in negative behavior patterns that are sometimes hard to shake. 

Your mood changes, personal interactions become difficult, and people often pull away from those they love most because they believe their appearance has changed for the worst.

Fortunately, help is available for those suffering from hair loss issues beyond just a simple wig or hairpiece. With today’s technology, there have been major advances made in terms of both synthetic materials used in wigs and their construction which makes them more comfortable for all-day wear than ever before! 

There are also many options available for style, such as whether or not someone should go with clip-ins instead versus full headpieces; plus, if necessary, even have customization made where needed (for example, bangs).

With your help, we will be able to provide these various options to our clients, so they can have the freedom to choose, rather than choosing from a narrow number of options.

Media Contact:

Crushn Media 
