A Chandigarh-based consumer forum recently directed the well-known footwear brand Bata India Limited to pay a fine of INR 9000 due to deficiency of the service committed towards a customer. The complaint registered by the customer mentioned that the he was wronged by the brand as he was charged INR 3 for the bag to carry the item purchased from the shop.
The complaint filed by Dinesh Prasad Raturi, who is the resident of Chandigarh, mentioned that post purchase of shoes from the brand’s store located at Sector 22D on 5th February, he was to pay INR 3 for a cloth bag that was provided along with shoes. The customer mentioned that the bag came with the Bata advertisement which means it’s wrong for the store to charge for the bag.
Raturi demanded refund of the 3 rupees paid by him for the cloth bag along with compensation pending service deficiency. However, the representatives at Bata India stood with their statement dismissing any service deficiency. The forum decided in favour of the customer and mentioned that the brand shouldn’t charge for the bag. It is observed that any store should provide its customers bags free of charge if they buy a product.