ChouBox, the Pet Tech Solution to Litter Box Drudgery

Don’t get me wrong, I love my cats. They’re soft, cuddly, playful and gorgeous. But they also poop. A lot. Which means there’s an awful lot to clean up, especially with three of them. 

From time to time, I think cat owners are susceptible to a bad attitude. Most would agree that there’s no joy in litter box maintenance. It’s just a nasty daily chore no one wants to do. When my kids sign up on the family job chart, scooper trooper is always the last position filled. No longer! Now we have a ChouBox – the pet tech solution to litter box drudgery, stink and toxins – and scat scooping isn’t even on the chart anymore! 

ChouBox couldn’t be easier to install and operate. From its LED indicators to its smart app and customizable settings, everything is intuitive and user friendly. It runs off a USB power cable. Pour in some clumping litter, plug it in, and you and your cats are good to go. This is a high tech pet device even your grandmother can operate. Come to think of it, ChouBox would make an awesome Mother’s Day gift for Nana. 

ChouBox features true automatic cleaning and odor elimination. It effortlessly separates the clumps from the litter and whisks them through a vertical poop chute, trapping them in a sealed container. Then, it returns the litter bed back to a flat pristine state for the next user. If a cat tries to jump in while the cleaning is in progress, strategically placed sensors immediately halt the cycle until the cat leaves. 

An ozone generator and UV light sanitize the ChouBox, sterilizing bacteria and preventing their replication. This technology is far superior to deodorizing sprays or scented litter beads which mask odors but really don’t neutralize their source. This system is so efficient, we’re able to go almost two weeks between manual waste disposal. Like everything else with ChouBox, that’s easy-peasy, too. Just open the sealed receptacle, cinch the ties of the plastic garbage bag, lift it out and you’re done without touching a single clump of pee or poo. 

If there’s one expensive pet product worth investing in, it’s this automatic litter box. Believe me, I can relate to balking at paying a big chunk of change for a device to eliminate the hassle of cat feces. But when I calculated the money I’m saving on litter and the time we save scooping and cleaning, the purchase is totally justified. As a matter of fact, I did the math and ChouBox pays for itself in almost 2.5 years. And we plan on owning it a lot longer than that. 

If you want to spend more time enjoying your cat and less as a scooper trooper, jump on over HERE to learn more about special perks and discounts during the spring ChouBox launch.