Creative Director Bagio White Says City life Inspires Great Art

“Metropolitan art is very important for creatives to experience; it teaches versatility and stimulates creativity” – Bagio White

Does the city make you think of art? Chances are, not so much, though there are many art museums present in many metropolitan cities, the ever so busy streets and fast paced lifestyle makes it hard to put art as a top experience for the city life.  However according to celebrity creative director, Bagio White the city life is the best place for artistic inspiration and creativity. Bagio, who’s residence is in suburbs of Westchester, New York, states that suburban life lacks certain elements that brings out true inspiration in a creative, but the city does.

“I Currently live in Westchester, New York. Its really suburban but most of my creative work gets done in the city or better yet in more metropolitan arears. City life entice all your senses you get to see, hear, and feel something new every time, and it really gets my creative juices flowing” Bagio says

White also states city art allows us to take journeys to new ways of imagining and experiencing our surroundings, to see greater and live stronger through imagination and correlations and the city really fuels that feeling. White is the creative director and editor in chief of the popular magazine DOPENESS, and says the editorial life and art thrives on the city experience.

“As a creative director I absolutely love the city, I’ve been to a lot of cities in my lifetime but in leisure and for editorial work and there is no other feeling I get anywhere else. My Residence in Westchester like I said its more relaxed and focused, as it should be, but the city just screams fast paced art. My favorite city is New York City, not only because its where my magazine company is based but because NYC art scene is nothing you can experience any where else in this world” – Bagio

Bagio White, photographed at his residence in Westchester, New York

Perhaps that’s why it is so exciting to visit cities with thriving arts communities, where you may run across vibrant graffiti and murals, talented street performers, inspiring museums, exciting literary events, and world-class theater. You can view some of Bagio’s inspired work on his website and on social media @bagiowhite.