Declassified Document Shows CIA Used Best Psychics for Exploring Ancient Mars

On May 22, 1984, the CIA interviewed a psychic to ‘remote-view’ an ancient Martian landscape. Particularly, the agent gave the psychic several sets of coordinates and asked him to describe what he saw. As a result of focusing his mind on the specified location he was able to communicate the raw data of his experiences. Likewise, the best online psychics today use this technique to explore events or places not of our place or time. Still, some of the described objects and places may remind us of what exists on Earth.

A Familiar World

For instance, the transcript reveals that ancient Martian monuments may have an eerie resemblance to our own. Further, these strange beings find themselves threatened by a climate situation similar to what we experience today:

I kind of got an oblique view of a, ah, pyramid or pyramid form. It’s very high, it’s kind of sitting in a large depressed area. I’m tracking severe, severe clouds, more like dust storm[s]. I’m looking at an after-effect of a major geologic problem. I just keep seeing very large people. They appear thin and tall, but they’re very large, wearing some kind of clothes.

Additionally, the psychic described a massive landscape outfitted primarily for shelter. 

Deep inside of a cavern, not of a cavern, more like [a] canyon. I’m looking up, the sides of a steep wall that seem to go on forever. And there’s like a structure…it’s like the wall of the canyon has been carved. Again, I’m getting very large structures [sic]…huge sections of smooth stone…it’s like a rabbit warren, corners of rooms, they’re really huge. Perception is that the ceiling is very high, walls very wide. 

Also, a familiar monument makes its way into the transcript. Nearby, the remote-viewer sees pyramidal forms similar to those created by Egyptians centuries ago. 

They have a …ah…appears to be the very end of a very large road and there’s a marker thing that’s very large. Keep getting Washington Monument overlay, it’s like an obelisk…see pyramids…they’re huge. 

A Surprise for Even the Best Online Psychics

Afterward, the remote-viewer describes a strange landscape that serves as a shelter for these strange beings. For example, the ‘huge sections of smooth stone…like a rabbit warren” hints at a desperate attempt to escape the savage storms. However, we do not yet know how they got there. Further into the transcript, however, we get an answer: 

It’s filtered from storms or something… They’re like shelters from storms. Different chambers…but they’re almost stripped of any kind of furnishings or anything, it’s like ah…strictly [a] functional place for sleeping or that’s not a good word, hibernations, some form, I can’t, I get real raw inputs, storms, savage storm, and sleeping through storms.  

Nevertheless, these people are not unintelligent beings. As an example, the psychic reveals their reasons for escaping to Mars:

They’re ancient people. They’re dying. It’s past their time or age. They’re very philosophic about it…just looking for a way to survive and they just can’t. They’re…ah…evidently was a…a group or party of them that went to find…ah…new place to live. It’s like I’m getting all kinds of overwhelming input of the corruption of their environment. It’s failing very rapidly and this group went somewhere, like a long way to find another place to live.

What Else Was There?

Ultimately, we may never know the CIA’s intention for exploring Mars more than 1 million years before us. Still, many questions remain which only the best online psychics may answer. For example, what was the US government looking for on the Red Planet? Either way, one has to wonder whether the remote-viewer saw something he dared not mention.