Denver Girls Want Kylie Jenner Lips – Instagram Ban on Plastic Surgery To Change Face Tuning

If you use Instagram on a regular basis, then you’re familiar with the use of filters. One of the most instantly recognizable traits on the app, filters have revolutionized the way we post pictures on social media. With a vast array of styles and selections, we can instantly change the mood and look of our photography. By simply swiping through a selection of them and choosing our favorite, we’re able to elevate our photos to have an almost professional look. With the continued improvements on front-facing cameras on phones, these filters have moved beyond traditional photography and are being used selfies as well. With filters being produced at a rapid rate for Instagram, some designs prove to be controversial. After complaints from users over possible mental health effects, a number of filters which seemed to promote plastic surgery were recently removed. However, social media users and Instagram influencers from all over the US used these filters with plastic surgery Denver, NYC, LA, and many more. 

Are Kylie Jenner Lips A Bad Standard for Teens?

One of the removed filters was called “Fix Me,” and features semi-realistic depictions of facial markings before a plastic surgery procedure. Kylie Jenner famously had lip fillers prior to making it big, which many experts credit as being key to the success of her makeup lines. While celebrities who’ve had cosmetic procedures have hundreds of millions of followers on the platform, Instagram doesn’t necessarily want to advocate for plastic surgery. As of 2018, over 72% of teens in the US said they used Instagram daily. The suicide rates for Gen Z are much higher than in previous generations, possibly due to more cases of low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Instagram could be worried that filters regarding plastic surgery Denver could cause feelings of inadequacy and insecurity in their young users. While plastic surgery can make recipients feel better about themselves, Instagram likely doesn’t want users to feel pressured into getting it. 

Instagram Allegedly Planning More Changes

Considering the flak that many social media companies are facing right now, it’s understandable that Instagram is planning on making changes. Facebook is being hit with a class-action lawsuit for failing to disseminate false news stories, Snapchat is being hit with another for failing to protect privacy … Instagram has so far avoided controversy, and it definitely isn’t looking for any. Apparently, Instagram’s headquarters is even contemplating the removal of their iconic “like” button. 

How such a simple change would alter the site is unknown, but removing any filters that might promote plastic surgery Denver is obvious. Instagram doesn’t want their users to feel ugly or not-enough – they want users to feel beautiful, loved, and perfect when they’re on their app. Promoting cosmetic surgery might make that harder to do.