Dertee – UK’s emerging artist has come up with new Dancehall single ‘Beat It Up’

The music artist is making his presence felt in a big way, with his rhythms guaranteed to get your shoes tapping.

“Dertee” This music artist who is ruling the Dancehall genre has release his latest single in collaboration with Miles Ahead entertainment called ‘Beat It Up’, which is set to break all previous records, going by the buzz it has created of late.

Dertee has been ruling the social media and has attracted a lot of attention, given his unique style of presenting music, which makes him stand apart from other artists. The 1 million views that his YouTube videos have garnered are enough proof of his growing popularity. For those who are unaware that music has been Dertee’s only passion and he has worked his way up with a lot of hardships to reach where he is today. He has shown phenomenal growth from the time he debuted in the music industry.

Today, when we talk about performing artists who have clicked with the audience big time, Dertee’s name comes in the forefront. His distinct voice quality has won him a million fans worldwide, which are growing with every new album out song he comes out with. If we look at his career graph, he has grown bigger than most of his contemporaries who specialize in Dancehall. Every song that he comes out with is a raging success, and breaks his previous records and are topping the charts and grabbing number one spot on U.K. iTunes charts and Reggae charts too.

Dertee firmly believes that music is not about gaining name, fame and money, but it’s all about imbibing it deep, be humble and keep entertaining all throughout with sounds and rhythms. His latest single track titled ‘Beat It Up’, has that vibe which is guaranteed to make the nation crazy. Dertee never fails to impress his fans and this one too is bound to exceed all expectations in true sense. This collaboration between Dertee and Miles Ahead Entertainment is all set to sweep fans off their feet, for sure!