Digital and Sustainability: How Conpac Manages the Company’s Transformation

Over one hundred companies in our country are already implementing the index created by the Foundation for Digital Sustainability which integrates environmental, economic and social standards. Conpac, a small company from Friuli Venezia-Giulia that deals with brand reputation has taken an important and sustainable step within its sector.

Using a smartphone, using the cloud, searching for what we need on a search engine, have now become part of our daily lives, so much so that perhaps we don’t realize what the role of technology is today and how much it influences have on our lives. Thus begins our conversation with founder Marco Valentinsig, who underlines that environmental sustainability is closely linked to digital sustainability today. It is important for everyone, but especially for companies who can play a significant role in driving positive change. In fact, the Valentinsig company has chosen not to offer services on paper but to focus only on digital, saving companies and offering cutting-edge services.

It is important to talk about it, outline the objectives to be achieved and identify the actions that companies and public bodies can undertake to promote digital sustainability, regardless of the sector in which they operate. In light of this, it is clear how the commitment to environmental and digital sustainability also has a return in terms of image and corporate reputation.

Companies that pay attention to these aspects obtain better results than their competitors both in terms of customer acquisition and real affection towards the brand as well as attracting so-called prospects. Furthermore, they demonstrate that they put into practice the values they believe in, thus generating authentic brand storytelling, on social media and their own communication channels.