Extreme Recreational Party for Men

Planning a men’s party is fun! With endless ideas and entertaining themes to consider, the only limit is your imagination.  Men love fun parties to level up from work stress encountered during the week while socializing with their friends. Let’s step out of the thought that men’s parties should be all about the booze and dancing off the night with some bachelorettes in a club. There are some entertaining sporting activities that you can incorporate into your party, which the boys will love. So what should I incorporate into my extreme recreational party? Follow along as we take a look at the best themes.

Lit up your party with Nerf Wars

As long as you have an open field, parking lot, or a large indoor space, it’s game on! The Nerf wars Combine combat strategies, speed, and intensity bringing out a memorable party. When set up well, the game is action-packed, safe, and fun to participate in.


All participants are equipped with various Nerf Guns, several ‘bullets,’ and appropriate safety gear. Inflatable bunkers or battle shelters are erected to protect and help teams strategize.

Is it safe?

This game is easy to learn, and no prior experience is required to play. The game is entirely safe and family-friendly. Before taking part in the game, make sure the instructor provides official Nerf weapons and correct protective gear.

What is the cost of hosting the game?

The game is considerably affordable; it all depends on the hours you wish to play and the venue where you will host the event. Several event companies offer this game; contact them, and they assist you in budgeting.

How to play the Nerf War

Players will choose to break into teams or solo play. Once the game begins, players should find cover and formulate a combat strategy. When the battle starts, a player who will get hit by a dart must leave play until the game is over. The game is continued until the last man is standing. You can modify the game to suit your friends. You can even include a number of friends and throw a Nerf Birthday Party to come up with your own unique games to put a twist to Nerf Wars.

Bubble Soccer party

Bubble Soccer is a recreational activity of playing football while an inflated bubble covers your head and upper body. Men can safely run around bump into each other as they try to outsmart the opponent team. Men love challenges as it strokes their ego after overcoming the hurdles

Types of equipment to host the game

The game requires ample space where players can run effectively and reap the benefits of physical activity.  Hire a certified Bubble soccer company to facilitate the smooth running of your event and its success. For the game to be fun and safe, be prepared with the following as an individual:

Safety of this activity

Bubble soccer is hilarious as one uses the bubble suit to bounce around. Players make forceful collisions, do flips and dives without worrying about the risk of impact. The suit allows an individual to bounce around, protecting them from the threat of injury.


The great thing about this game is it’s affordable, especially when outdoors. The equipment is readily available in certified Bubble soccer companies, and you can hire them at a customer-friendly budget.

How to play

This game typically adheres to the same objective, structure, and rules of regular football. Teams compete to win the game by scoring the highest number of goals. Men enjoy this game as it offers entertainment and socializing opportunities.  It is also essential in burning excess energy and will provide a unique party.

Archery Tag

This game involves players shooting foam-tipped arrows at opponent team members. It is not an easy game; it demands accuracy and speed if you want to triumph in victory. Contact a reputable Archery company and receive a reasonable quote for your event.


A protective face mask is required, bow and a foam-tipped arrow, all of which are available at your Archery Tag center.

Safety of the game

If all safety protocols are observed, the game will be smoothly played without a record of any injuries, and men will leave the party satisfied with the activity.

How to play

The game starts with each player getting trained on how to aim and shoot safely at different obstacles. Depending on your like, you can either hit the foam-tipped arrows at various obstacles or opposing teams to garner essential points. A party that incorporates sporting activities promotes healthy living and your general well-being.