How Is Business Manufacturing Tech Evolving?

Every few years, technology advances to the point that it forces us to step back and reassess how things are done. It just so happens that we are coming up to such a time. 

Manufacturing is an essential part of business, so you need to make sure that your systems are as efficient as they can be. This means bringing your manufacturing up to date with the latest technology. You can only do this by learning about how manufacturing technology is evolving, so read on to find out more.


Assembly lines were always a staple of the factory workforce. Lines of employees would stand for hours to put together thousands of products so that they are ready for shipping. Unfortunately, those days are long gone, thanks to the introduction of robotic assembly machines; however, a human mind was still required on the site to be present to make key analytical decisions.

It seems that things are changing once more, as robotics are slowly advancing to be able to function with critical thought. This isn’t critical thought as you may understand it, but AI has been shown to advance and solve problems, or at least notify you when there is an error. Therefore, it is now the norm to have artificial intelligence running an assembly line.


Before you start updating your manufacturing processes, you need to work out the best ways to improve. Instead of making hundreds of calculations, you now have a perfect method of posing trial and error problems in virtual reality. With VR, you can constantly test out new updates in a simulated environment so that you know how best to move forward. You can use this technology to cut costs, speed up manufacturing times, or find out what other technology can be used to your benefit.


While robotics is still a major part of manufacturing, it looks like this is going to change to keep up with sustainable business practices. The world is moving toward becoming more eco-friendly, and some robotic systems do not comply with these methods. This means that businesses need to find another solution, and it looks like hydraulics might be the answer.

You just need to look at the Gravity 100R from Blueprint Automation for confirmation of this idea. Their automatic case packing systems can perform all your packaging needs without robotics, moving the world toward a more environmentally sustainable model. While the packaging is the final part of the manufacturing process, these automatic case packers show how hydraulic systems can be used effectively in manufacturing.


Blockchain technology initially came about from the cryptocurrency boom that appeared last decade. Put simply, blockchains imbue every piece of crypto with a unique code so that it can be tracked and traced in the event of fraud. Fortunately, this technology has real-world applications too.

You can now use blockchain technology to keep tabs on the products that have left the manufacturing line. Doing so allows you to monitor possible faults or how your designs are being used. Therefore, blockchain technology can help you to improve upon any faults in your designs, while also providing you with key marketing information.


These are just a few examples of how manufacturing technology is evolving, and it all aligns with what you expect from this decade of innovation. However, it seems that newer technologies are only going to further what is being set up by these processes. Therefore, it is a good idea to jump on board with these manufacturing methods now to become a part of the future.