How To Improve Cyber Security and Protect Your Business

Regardless of an organization’s size, industry, or location, cyber-attacks do not discriminate. Although cyber-attacks are more widely publicized in larger organizations and government agencies, contrary to popular belief, small and mid-sized businesses are often prime targets for cyber-criminals.

According to reports, small businesses are three times more likely to present as attractive targets for cyber-criminals than larger organizations. Cyber-criminals target small and mid-sized companies for various reasons, with some of the main motives being that smaller firms are generally under-protected due to the ideology that they don’t require the same protection as more giant corporations or that they cannot afford the same level of security.

Nonetheless, investing in adequate cyber-security measures is crucial for all industries, no matter how small or large they might be. For forward-thinking organizations, there are various approaches that businesses can use to defend themselves, from enlisting the services of a managed IT services provider to creating robust passwords. We list some of the best ways to improve cyber security below:

Create Robust Passwords

Though an oft-repeated piece of advice and one that many computer users ignore, creating robust passwords is essential to your business’s defense against cyber-attacks. Typically, it would help if you aimed to create a password with a mixture of alphabetic, numeric, and special characters to make it more challenging for cyber-criminals to access sensitive information.

To further protect your sensitive information, it’s also advisable to change your password regularly, while using the same password for access to multiple pieces of technology or accounts is not. If it can be prevented, it’s also advisable not to use personal information like names, dates of birth, or prominent words when creating your password, as although it might make it easier for you to remember – it also makes it easier for those around you to guess your password.

If you find it hard to commit your passwords to memory, try avoiding obvious documentation methods like writing your password on a post-it note or whiteboard. Instead, use reputable password managers like Bitwarden or LastPass. Writing your password down practically asks for cyber-criminals to take advantage, so ensure that you take measures to prevent this.

Use A Managed IT Services Provider

Another way that you can improve your business’s cyber security and provide better protection overall is by enlisting the services of a managed IT services provider. When your business partners with a managed IT services provider, you gain access to the knowledge of a group of IT experts that can assist you with every single technology discipline your business could ever need.

This is especially useful for small or mid-sized businesses that are tech-shy or unsure about the IT expertise they might require without having to shell out large amounts of money on the potentially wrong service. Going into partnership with a managed IT services provider provides many additional benefits, some of which we list below:

·       Fill gaps in your business IT knowledge.

·       Access to the latest technology.

·       Improved cyber security.

·       Potential issues can be monitored and fixed before they become too problematic.

·       Allows your attention to be re-directed to more pressing business issues.

·       It’s more cost-effective.

·       Recruiting is much easier.

·       It offers a much more flexible approach to your business’s IT needs.

If you’d like to learn more about how partnering with a managed IT services provider could help cyber security measures at your business, head over to Solution Builder’s website. They offer a range of IT services for small to mid-sized organizations, from technology management, office 365 migrations, cyber security, and more. Consider visiting their website or contacting them directly to find out how enlisting their innovative IT services could help protect your business today.

Educate Your Team About The Best Cyber Security Practices 

Providing employees with adequate cyber security training is necessary if you want to protect your business. Especially with the growing popularity of remote working, the use of employee-owned electronic devices, improper device usage, and unsecure connections leave small to mid-sized companies vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

You can increase cyber security awareness among your employees by educating them on the following best security practices:

·       Encourage looking after electronic devices.

·       Show employees how to spot suspicious activity.

·       Drill the importance of confidentiality into remote workers.

·       Enroll employees in online cyber security courses.

·       Examine each data breach case when it happens.

·       Make cyber security an ongoing conversation.

Monitor Employee’s Personal Devices

If your business is small or mid-sized, you might not have the capital to provide employees with laptops, mobiles, tablets, etc., for work use, so you may allow employees to use their personal devices instead. If this is the case, ensure that your network administrator has access to monitor software, install automatic security updates, prompt employees to change their passwords, etc. Although the device might be theirs, your top priority is protecting your business, so worries about invading privacy are unnecessary.