Injured At Work? Take These 6 Legal Steps To Ensure Your Employer Makes Things Right

Getting injured at work can cause significant stress and financial hardship, in addition to the challenges of recovering from an injury. If you are injured at work, it is crucial to understand your rights and take the correct steps to ensure that you aren’t left financially out of pocket. Not all accidents and injuries at work will entitle you to workers’ compensation, but it is still vital to find out where you stand after an injury.  

If your injury is covered by workers’ compensation, it is crucial to act quickly. There is often a short time frame to make your claim, so you should start the ball rolling as soon as possible. Depending on your injuries, it is also crucial to seek medical help immediately, and if you are concerned you may be seriously injured, dial 911.

Report The Accident Immediately

The first thing you should do after an accident is to report it to your line manager. They will then need you to fill out some paperwork so that they can formally report the accident on the company’s records. They will also be able to help you with the following steps to take for workers’ compensation and to improve safety in the workplace.

Seek Medical Attention As Soon As Possible

The severity of your injuries will determine the type and urgency of the medical aid you seek, but regardless, you should get medical advice as soon as possible. This will ensure there is documented record of the injury and any ongoing medical care needed. Your employer may require you to go to a specific doctor or hospital, though you are entitled to seek a second opinion if you are unhappy with the diagnosis and care received.

File A Claim

You should file a workers’ compensation claim immediately after seeking medical aid. The sooner, the better, as the Statute of Limitations on workers’ compensation varies from state to state. You should also start preparing to defend your claim should you need to.  

Look For A Suitable Workers’ Compensation Lawyer 

A workers’ compensation lawyer can make all the difference to your outcome, particularly if your employer contests your claim. You should look for a quality law firm with plenty of experience in workers’ compensation cases and a proven track record of success. Take a look at the Leo Trial Group for an excellent idea of what you should be looking for.  

Document Everything 

You will need to gather as much evidence as possible to help you prove your workers’ compensation claim. This should include medical records, pictures of the scene of the accident, the details of the accident and any relevant correspondence between you and your employer.  

Keep Track Of Your Expenses 

When it comes time for your workers’ compensation to be paid out, it is vital to track all the money you’ve spent or lost due to the injury. This should include time spent unable to work, medical expenses, including appointments and medication, and any costs incurred from traveling to receive medical care. Being thorough in how much the injury has cost you can be invaluable to ensuring that the compensation you get fully covers your actual expenses.