Jay Holt From Florida Wins the Battle Against Barrett’s Esophagus

Jay abused coffee like druggist abuse drugs. Since college he drank gallons of coffee. Coffee with everything and every meal and sometimes coffee was his main meal. This all lead to heartburn and acidity in body. He then tried antacids, H2 blockers and even PPI’s. None of these helped his condition and he concluded that he will have to live with this till he met a naturopathic doctor.

One of Jay’s office mate had been to the same doctor and had recommended him to Jay. Jay then decided to take a leap of faith. With absolutely no clue how it will turn out he booked an appointment. Naturopathic doctors use naturally available products to create medicines in a customized manner and even in this case, the doctor made the formula specifically for Barrett’s esophagus.

Jay then decided to make the formula for himself after watching the effects and the secret that was in Barrett’s formula. He won the fight against his Barrett’s esophagus.

After this he decided to share the formula with all his friends. The response to it has been overwhelming. Now Jay is in the process of sharing the formula out of his friends and family circle.

To prove the effects of his formula Jay has shared his pathology reports to make it clear to the people. It is both a before and after report that has left everyone is shock. He has certainly won the battle against his Barrett’s esophagus.