Keala Kanae: ‘Great leaders are those who can stay calm amid the storm’

Author and CEO of Inspirean LLC. Hawaiian, Keala Kanae’s inspiring entrepreneur story began at the age of 29 while working for minimum wage, unable to sustain himself financially. “Because I was broke, I gave my 7-year-old girlfriend a secondhand bag that my mother was dropping off at Goodwill for a friend.” After a few months, he decided to leave his job and pursue a career as a freelance marketer. Within a few months of making this life-altering decision, he had already earned a five-figure income. That was the beginning of Kanae’s success story, and he hasn’t looked back since.

Inspirean LLC was created in 2016 to achieve Kanae’s mission of assisting fellow entrepreneurs with turning out to be better leaders or masters of themselves and their organizations. To accomplish this, Kanae utilizes the two-dimensional methodology zeroing in on both ranges of abilities promoting – deals, activities, and attitude – authority, self-dominance. Within a year of being founded, Inspirean LLC grew to over $20 million in revenue. “This fast-paced, large-scale growth taught me a lot about business, operations, management, leadership, scaling economics, and company finance, among other things.”

He had another professional life-changing occurrence after his company’s extraordinary rapid expansion in 2016. Kanae faced a terrible partnership breakup in 2018, following two years of the quick growth of his firm to over $40 million in revenue. This resulted in a company renaming. “The breakup of the partnership taught me a lot about leadership, teamwork, culture, and how to be an effective CEO in both war and peace.” ‘Preparing for war’ is a vital component of the entrepreneurial attitude, according to Kanae, who offers guidance to entrepreneurs. “They don’t prepare for war until it starts,” Kanae says, referring to the Navy seals and how they prepare in advance. He also recommends that your teams continue to expand by refining their processes, boosting their efficiency, and reducing losses. Kanae’s success philosophy is around preparing for thought times during quiet times. This warrior mentality is what has prepared him for difficult commercial times, such as the pandemic of 2020. The pandemic home-office dilemma was not a concern for Kanae’s organization because they had been managing their workforce virtually.

Before becoming an award-winning marketer, Kanae had to face various obstacles in his personal and professional life. Kanae has appeared in Forbes, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, and ABC News, to mention a few publications. He’s also earned more than seven honors from Clickfunnels, including the coveted Centurion Award for sales of more than $50 million. As a result, he can assist his customers in achieving rapid growth while also anticipating potential traps and barriers before they become a threat to the company.

“Great leaders are those who can stay calm amid the storm”, is also part of Kanae’s entrepreneurial philosophy. He leads by example and by constantly evolving through tough’s times. For him, teamwork and trusting one’s employees is a key aspect of this resilient mentality: “invest in your employees. It will be their turn to invest in you one day.”