“Look For Opportunities Wherever You Are,” Says Serial Entrepreneur And Digital Marketing Expert Reece Larkin

Choosing entrepreneurship might be one of the simplest and purest adventures you can take. However, there is always a debate in the entrepreneurial world if it is right to allow passion to lead one into business ownership. Some will say passion doesn’t pay the bills while others disagree. Sometimes the goal isn’t to find work you’re passionate about but to bring passion to your work. This was exactly what entrepreneur and digital marketing expert Reece Larkin did in his own case.

Find What You Love

From a young age, Reece Larkin already knew he had the entrepreneurial DNA in him. At the age of 16, he started selling network servers for Minecraft gamers. At 18, still chasing his dream, Reece found himself stacking wine shelves while building a software reseller company that helped businesses buy bulk licenses for operating systems like Microsoft Office. 

In college, he discovered the online freelance platform, Fiverr. It was at this point that his story changed for good. Excited by the prospect of being able to work in a relaxed way without the usual 9 to 5 mind-set, he quit college and put his digital marketing expertise and SEO services to good use. 

Within two years of operation, Reece Larkin became one of Fiverr’s top sellers, clocking up a staggering 14,000 clients across 78% of the globe, and impressively turning over $1M.

Groom It to Success

Successful entrepreneurs are people who can take any idea, product, or service, no matter how unrealistic it may seem to others, and use sheer will and grit to push this idea into the market.

So many of these attributes are not too far fetched from Reece. Whilst most 24-year-olds of his age are contemplating their first notch on the corporate ladder, Reece has already clambered his way to the top and built an impressive business portfolio across the social media and marketing spectrum.

Let Passion Drive You

“A strong passion for what you do is key. Without passion, you have nothing. I realized early that college life didn’t excite me, and I let my passion lead me to entrepreneurship. While I haven’t always been successful, I try to turn failings into strengths, and I never stop thinking about work; it’s my first waking thought and last thing I think about at night. I never stop thinking about ways in which I can develop and grow, both as a person and as a business,” Reece Larkin shares.

If enthusiasm and passion are present, you become more resilient to the obstacles that come your way. People who are passionate about what they do- rather than just in it for the money-tend to have more positive outlooks and are able to overcome difficulty through problem-solving.

Keep It Simple

To business owners trying to scale their brands, here is Reece Larkin’s advice for you:

“Keep processes simple. Don’t over complicate tasks because this will suck your time. Complexity slows down the growth of a startup completely. Also, learn to say no more often. Not every idea that crosses the conference room table is a great one.”

Check out his website here