Popular New Tactical Watch of 2019 Rivals Apple Series 5 As Best Christmas Gift

Now that Halloween is over, you can expect American consumers to begin eagerly setting their sights on the next big holiday: Christmas. Well, obviously it’s actually Thanksgiving, but every year it seems that Christmas celebrations are starting a little bit earlier. The big question on everybody’s minds when the holidays come about is: what am I going to get everybody? New technology is released every year, but it always seems to be made obsolete within a few months. However, there are some pieces of tech that can stand the test of time. One of them is the T1 Tact Watch, which is rivalling Apple’s flagship smartwatch as the premiere watch on the market. 

The T1 is the Most Popular Alternative Product

Apple initiated their brand as representing themselves as the “cool” alternative to other tech brands. While that might have been the case when Microsoft was the only other competitor, at this point the two tech giants are equally mainstream in 2019. Everybody in the Western world seems to have an iPhone, a Macbook, etc. However, these products aren’t necessarily superior, they’re just recognizable. Apple built their brand for so long that people eventually started believing in it. 

The T1 Tact military smartwatch is noticeably different from anything Apple has put out. Instead of spending millions on advertising and brand-building, the product’s inventor invested into building a superior product. Not only is the T1 packed with useful features, it’s also incredibly resilient to physical wear and tear. Whereas Apple’s Series 5 smartwatch is susceptible to physical damage and heat, the T1 is resistant to both. You’d probably leave your Series 5 at home if you were going hiking, camping, or doing any rugged physical work. The T1, however, is a trusty companion for anyone who needs it. 

T1 Stocked With Features At a Low Price

Apple advertises its products through celebrity brand endorsements, television ads, and more commercial advertising schemes. However, the T1 Tact Watch has had its brand endorsed through entirely organic efforts. Users on Facebook and other social media sites first reported about the brand’s incredible integration technology, such as the ability to sync up with smartphone cameras. The T1 also comes equipped with a number of fitness features. Users of the Fitbit will recognize features such as a distance tracker, stopwatch, and step counter.

What really sets the T1 apart from Apple is its low price. At only $79, the T1 is a genuine steal. Apple’s Series 5 has as many features, but its price clocks in at over $400 – and that’s on the cheaper end for one of their products. Considering the similarities between the two watches, it just seems like common sense to invest in the more rugged of the two. While the Series 5 is technically newer and shinier, the T1 has a dedicated fan following for one simple reason: it’s reliable. 

Overall, the T1 Tact Watch delivers a product that is trustworthy, simple, and sleek. It’s popular enough to have sparked a grassroots movement built around the product, and has been globally successful. Considering there has been next to no marketing for the product, it’s a mystery how people even found out about it to begin with. However, somebody did, and it’s stuck around for a reason. So, this holiday season, consider the T1 if you’re looking to buy someone you know a technologically advanced but reasonably priced smartwatch.