Seth VanDaele’s Cormier Media Pivoted The Digital Space

Seth VanDaele, co-founder of a Canadian digital marketing agency tossed a new dimension into the digital space. Cormier Media doesn’t just offer one service or two, neither 5 nor 10, not even 100 but more than 135 different online services under one umbrella.

If you think the company must be struggling for years, then you, my friend are wrong! Before you think of any big number, let’s know everything about Cormier Media.

The Man Behind Cormier Media

Seth VanDaele is a young entrepreneur who hails from Boissevain, a small town in Canada. The youthful digipreneur has versatile work experience from the age of 14. Mr. Seth is a man of a strong work ethic and with this value, he left no stone unturned. He worked at a grocery store, a construction site, a car dealership, and started a plumbing apprenticeship before laying the foundation stone of Cormier Media.

Seth says- “I came from a working-class family in a small town. When I quit my high-paying sales job I was over $30,000 in debt and I completely paid that off within 3 months of starting my own business”. With this instance, Mr. VanDaele inspires the Millennials to live their dream while motivating them to also enjoy the struggle which comes along with success.

Seth VanDaele loves his work so much that even if he doesn’t have a boss and he gets to pick his hours, he still chooses to come to the office at 5 am every morning and stay as late as needed so that he can crush his competition. This also means giving up many weekends and holidays, but he loves his work and knows that this will all pay off in the long run.

A One-Stop-Shop For Digital Solutions

Cormier Media was established 1.5 years ago in the town of Brandon, Manitoba in Canada. During the initial days, the team went knocking on the doors of businesses in order to build a personalized clientele but they didn’t receive the expected response and felt broken.

Seth VanDaele’s years of hardship and learning seemed to get manifested when he along with his team decided to help the companies suffering due to the Covid pandemic. Cormier Media brought multiple Brick and Mortar companies online and introduced them to a completely new source of revenue. Since then, the company has experienced a rising curve of growth each day.

Within Cormier Media’s first month, they achieved rapid success. The company went from working in Seth’s grandmother’s basement with maybe two or three sales in their books to a beautiful communal building with private office space, and over fifteen clients. By the end of the second month, the founding members had started three separate businesses and hired three employees. In the third month of operation, Cormier Media had found a much larger office space that is being built for use and is working with over forty different businesses.