South California Rapper Chad Demarco Shares Easy Music Tips

Chad Demarco is a popular rapper from the Southern California area. His music has given him a thriving fanbase. Chad is open about his work and is willing to share his craft with everyone. Chad shares some easy to follow tips to create hip hop music that is certain to create waves. His top tip is to listen to a variety of music. Listening to music opens your mind and you can not only process more music but will naturally be more included in the process of making new music.

Another point that Chad stresses on is about the vocabulary. He stresses on the fact that to write music you must have a great vocabulary. He suggests that upcoming musicians read a dictionary as practice. Lastly, he stresses on the importance of rap battles.

Rap battles make rappers strong. The instinct gets polished. He says that a rap battle hardened rapper is like a battle hardened soldier. He must be feared and respected in equal measures. All these tips are amazing but the only bottomline to these is practice. Without practice none of these works. But with practice they work miracles.