The Best Uses For a Foam Bolster Pillow

You may find yourself shopping for new bedding and pillows and ask yourself – ‘What the heck is a bolster pillow’? The unusual half-moon shape might be enough to give anyone pause and pique their curiosity.

The fact is, there are several practical uses for the bolster pillow, and their skyrocketing popularity is a testament to what we’ve been missing out on without having one. Let’s take a moment to explore the many uses for the bolster pillow.

We All Need a Little Support In Our Lives

Our joints are built to move, but sometimes we need them to be in a specific, static position. This can be for many reasons, but oftentimes our sleeping positions may be causing us a problem such as chronic pain or stiffness. This can be due to pressure on the joints for an extended period of time, or prolonged hyper-extension of certain muscle groups. That leaves you waking up with a painful or sore back, neck, shoulders, and/or hips. 

These issues can be prevented through using a bolster pillow. The unique shape allows you to position it in ways that will keep them stabilized and comfortable.This will be a topic we’ll explore more as we go in depth to the specific uses.

Beyond just keeping us pain-free, the bolster pillow can also be used to provide us with the perfect amount of pressure we need to get a comfortable night’s sleep.

Relieving Tension Headaches

Tension headaches can be undeniably awful. However, many people find support by properly elevating the neck and taking the pressure off the muscles and vertebrae. This is done by positioning the pillow under the neck, reducing tension to alleviate pain and discomfort. This is best done from a position sleeping on one’s back, but is effective for side-sleepers as well to control the amount of strain on peripheral muscles as well.

A Soft Barrier For Restless Sleepers

Nothing is worse than tossing and turning in your sleep, but it can be worse if you’re one of those who has the risk of falling out of bed – or even accidentally waking up your partner with unintended pokes and prods.

Placing it on either side of ourselves when we sleep allows us to keep our bodies in an ideal position and reduce the risk of causing harm to others or ourselves, such as hitting your head on a nightstand or even just knocking things over.

Lumbar Support and Sciatica Relief

Just like with our necks, the curve in our lower back requires its own support. Excess pressure on the vertebrae in your lower back in turn places pressure on the nerves in that area as well. The result is called Sciatica, which can cause long term severe pain which radiates down the legs and can be debilitating for some.

Some people have found non-medication relief through therapeutic use of bolster pillows, but when it comes to your health, you should always consult your doctor before making changes to your current treatment plan.

Exercise and Yoga Prop

When it comes to taking care of our bodies, exercise and yoga are among the best things we can do to help take care of our bodies. However, making sure we maintain proper form is important to make sure we don’t do harm to our bodies. This is why a bolster pillow can provide our bodies with the support we need to maintain good form and support the health of our joints.

After all, the reason why we’re doing it is to keep our bodies at their best.

Injury Recovery and Stability

Certain situations or injuries may require you to elevate a limb or to keep it stabilized in place. Using a bolster Pillow, one can easily elevate their legs, or place it between their arm and torso to keep it from moving. This can also be used as a method to keep it in place during sleep and reduce the risks caused by unintentional movements.

Get the Best in Life

When it comes to getting a foam bolster pillow – memory foam is king. Of course, they come in hundreds of different kinds of materials, but memory foam allows it to contour to your body without uncomfortable sinking, flattening, or losing its shape. It also remains cool, even after a long night’s rest, which is instrumental to staying comfortable, especially if it is placed under the covers or close to your torso.

A foam bolster pillow isn’t just about the practicality, it also brings comfort and utility as a single part of your bedding. Getting one now is a smart choice, you’ll wonder what you were ever doing without it.