The Best Way to Start a Journey is Through Mindset Shift and Self-Discovery: Brooke Benevento

All our successes, hopes, and fears find their roots inside the mind. We spend our lives evaluating the mindset that determines how we behave and act.

As the Founder and CEO of Passion Into Purpose Coaching and Co-Founder and CEO of LandHome Design, Brooke found that a mindset shift and a desire for self-discovery are the two best ways to kick off a new journey. 

Brooke always liked the idea of starting and having her own business, as she saw her father do it. However, life happened in the interim between her and her business. After having and raising three children, she finally found the time and all the motivation she needed to re-discover her love for business.

Brooke Benevento explains, “My husband and I decided to take a leap of faith and follow our inner guidance to shake things up. As firm believers in Infinite Intelligence, we consistently uncovered signs to confirm that we were on the right path. When we decided to move from California to Tennessee and start building an Amazon Brand, we truly had no idea how many incredible people we would meet. Along the way, I hired a mentor who inspired me to follow my passion and become a life coach. During this amazing journey, I experienced a mind shift and realized that to live a balanced life, I would first have to do the inner work myself before I could coach others to live life as their other selves. Inner work requires first choosing to change and then taking action. Fortunately, I found a great mentor who believed in me, took me under his wing and taught me his years of wisdom. Through the process of becoming my other self, I have fallen deeply in love with becoming a life coach, rekindling my relationship with my husband, and discovering the tools I need to be a more present and guiding light for my children. I am extremely grateful to be living out my passion and purpose as a Life Coach. Guiding others through the process of changing their limited thinking to one of abundance brings me absolute joy. Every day I live by a simple saying, “nothing changes if nothing changes.”

Brooke’s transformation allowed her to see life in a new way. She no longer lived in a “why me” mentality. She started to live in a “thank you for this lesson” mentality. She says, “Self-discovery isn’t just a fancy word. It’s a whole experience. In fact, for me, it has been the experience of a lifetime. You know what they say, if you don’t know who you are, how will others know? And when they don’t know, they’ll label you as they please, putting you in boxes you don’t belong. Self-discovery is the antidote to that. We are all born with potential, and it is our obligation to find out what that is. Through this process of self-discovery, I have discovered my other self and now have the tools to help others discover theirs. And as a life coach, that’s something I value beyond measure.”

Brooke Benevento’s motivating words can encourage anyone to make a choice, create a plan, take action and begin the journey to discovering their other self.