Tyler Tysdal Talks About Bitcoin Mining and Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are rising in popularity faster than anyone thought would happen in 2021. It’s become big news and many CEO’s are making bold predictions that sound unreasonable to those not familiar with the blockchain markets. Recently the CEO from Kracken, Jesse Powell, told Bloomberg that he believes Bitcoin will become a currency used and accepted worldwide. Additionally he thinks that the price per Bitcoin could reach 1 million dollars within 10 years.

Private equity investors and venture capitalists are starting to take crypto much more seriously. Tyler Tysdal, also known as “Ty”, has been known for his forward thinking within the financial world with over 20 years of experience as an investment banker helping companies with their IPO’s. Tysdal sees enough of a future in cryptocurrency that he is thinks holding at least 1% in a portfolio is very reasonable. In a recent interview regarding the rising markets Tysdal stated, “Cryptocurrencies are a hedge to inflation similar to gold because of the economic scarcity.” In a recent Tweet Tysdal mentioned that cryptocurrency mining could also be very profitable.

Tyler Tysdal’s Business Brokerage

Tyler Tysdal now spends his time helping to educate entrepreneurs on the buying and selling of businesses with the business brokerage he cofounded, Freedom Factory. Currently Tysdal has strong relationships with over 100,000 entrepreneurs, private equity firms, and family offices as buyers. Over his years of experience with business partner Robert Hirsch he has built an impressive rolodex of contacts that he works with. Together both Robert Hirsch and Tyler Tysdal help entrepreneurs to get their business ready for sale so they the business owner gets the biggest check of their lifetime.

Videos and Podcasts for Entrepreneurs

To help educate the entrepreneurs of the world, Freedom Factory operates both video and podcast channels, that are free and highly informative. Interested parties may reach Tyler Tysdal to discuss their business by way of telephone or their website with the contact info provided below.

Freedom Factory
5500 Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Ste 230
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 844-MAX-VALU (844-629-8258)