You Can Now Intensify The Flavor Of The Beef By Dry Aging It

If you want to intensify the flavor of beef then dry aging is the way to go. Dry aging is a post cutting treatment for beef to intensify flavor and promote tenderness in the beef. As the moisture is reduced the flavor gets developed with the cultivation of ‘good’ mold and bacteria which give beef a funky, nutty profile.

One can make the beef taste really good by dry aging them at home. Firstly use the right fridge designated to do the job. Stay away from using a non-dedicated fridge. The fridge gets opened and closed so many times it will affect the drying of the meat. Domestic fridges are also warmer than the recommended temperature of 40f. Plus the other items present in the fridge affect the flavor of the meat.

Keep other items in different fridge and keep one dry aging chamber dedicated to aging the meat. Do not place any other food item there. You need to create a drying and aging environment for the meat. Presence of other food items will lead to cross contamination of flavor profiles into the fat.

Here we come to the other important point to remember- understand the difference between funky and foul. You have to understand whether the meat is drying or rotting based on the smell. Heavily aged steak and a ruined steak have different smells. Heavily aged steak smells weird like blue cheese. But it will not be unpleasant. Whereas the rotten meat will smell disgusting and not ‘unpleasant’. Do not dare eat the rotten one.

It is advisable that salt be added to the steak when cooking it rather than while it is aging. Seasoning can be done once it has aged well. Wash and rinse it before aging rather than after.